Evansville Chiropractor - Dr Andrew Lobacz

Lobacz Chiropractic located on Evansville's East side has been around since 2006. Our practices focus is returning you to the life you want, maybe it's being on the floor with the grandkids, or running marathons, either way, we're here to help with adjusting, massage, cellular detoxing, cold laser, and red light therapy to help you heal faster and maintain your health!

What makes us different?

Our goal is to make it easy to see if we're a good fit for your goals. Take the Next Step, and tell us a little about yourself, and lets set up a time for a quick phone conversation.

I like for things to be very clear up front, that includes pricing. You'll know at your first visit if I can help you, and how much it will cost. We do not take insurance, but we strive to make care affordable.

Dr Lobacz

The Most Common Conditions We Treat...

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Evansville Chiropractor Back Pain

Low Back Pain

Evansville Chiropractor Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Evansville Sciatica Specialist


Back Pain

Knee Pain

Evansville Chiropractor Neck Pain

Neck Pain



Your Poor Health is NOT your fault

September 10, 20233 min read

Why Most People Don't Know How to Take Care of Their Health (And Why It's Not Their Fault)

In today's fast-paced world, health has become a buzzword. We're bombarded with advice on what to eat, how to exercise, and which wellness trends to follow. Despite this abundance of information, it seems that many people still struggle to take care of their health effectively. But before we jump to conclusions, it's essential to understand that the complexity of modern life and the overwhelming amount of health information available can make it challenging for individuals to navigate their well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore why most people don't know how to take care of their health and why it's not entirely their fault.

  1. Information Overload:

The digital age has given us easy access to vast amounts of information. While this can be empowering, it can also be overwhelming. People are inundated with conflicting advice, diet fads, and fitness trends. The sheer volume of information can lead to confusion, making it challenging to discern what's genuinely beneficial for one's health.

  1. Lack of Education:

Health education varies widely from person to person and region to region. Many people never receive comprehensive training in nutrition, exercise, or mental health. Without a strong foundation in these areas, it's challenging to make informed decisions about one's health.

  1. Misleading Marketing:

The health and wellness industry is a multi-billion-dollar business, and marketing tactics can be deceiving. Products and services are often promoted as miracle solutions, promising quick fixes and easy results. These misleading claims can lead people down the wrong path, wasting time and resources.

  1. Busy Lifestyles:

Modern life is busy, and many people juggle multiple responsibilities, including work, family, and social obligations. The demands of daily life can make it difficult to prioritize health. People may resort to convenient but unhealthy options due to time constraints.

  1. Socioeconomic Factors:

Access to healthcare, nutritious food, and safe exercise spaces can be limited by socioeconomic factors. Economic disparities can make it difficult for some individuals and communities to prioritize and afford health-promoting activities.

  1. Mental Health Stigma:

Mental health is an integral part of overall well-being, yet there remains a significant stigma surrounding mental health issues. People often struggle silently with mental health challenges, unaware that they can seek help or that their mental health significantly impacts their physical health.

  1. Lack of Support:

For many, taking care of one's health is easier with a support system in place. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to such support. Family dynamics, social circles, and community resources can play a significant role in a person's ability to maintain good health.


It's crucial to recognize that most people genuinely want to take care of their health, but various factors can hinder their efforts. The overload of information, a lack of education, misleading marketing, busy lifestyles, socioeconomic disparities, mental health stigma, and inadequate support can make health management seem like an insurmountable challenge.

Rather than blame individuals for their health struggles, we should aim to address these systemic issues. Promoting comprehensive health education, improving access to resources, and challenging misleading marketing can help individuals make more informed choices about their well-being. By recognizing that the complexity of modern life contributes to these challenges, we can work together to create a healthier, more supportive environment for all. Remember, it's not entirely their fault; it's a shared responsibility.

Interested in our Cellular Detox program? Check out the link here for more information: https://lobaczchiropractic.com/cellulardetox

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Andrew Lobacz D.C.

Dr Andrew Lobacz has been a Chiropractor in Evansville Indiana since 2006. My passion has been helping people regain their health through natural, holistic ways that start at the root issue, not chasing symptoms to relieve the pain.

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4910 Temple Ave Evansville IN 47715



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